When luck improves consumption experiences

Context Subscription boxes have been thriving on the market for some years now, and may be found in various sectors such as food, drink, style, beauty, hobbies etc. Thanks to them, consumers can experience the thrill of being surprised each month by products they have not chosen et sometimes have never even heard of. TheContinue reading “When luck improves consumption experiences”

Heritage: manager intents VS consumer reactions

Context The retro trend has put products and brands from the past back into the limelight. Some managers try to surf this wave by emphasizing their brand’s heritage. Although all brands have a history, heritage brand managers carefully select information from the brand’s past to generate a marketing advantage. Moreover, as shown by this article,Continue reading “Heritage: manager intents VS consumer reactions”

Can discounts turn frugal consumers into spenders?

Context In the post Covid economy, many consumers feel that their purchasing power has decreased and consequently feel that they should have more control over their spending: indeed, consumers continue buying necessities such as cleaning products, but no longer indulge in luxuries such as cosmetics. Overall, the economic climate seems to favor frugality among consumers.Continue reading “Can discounts turn frugal consumers into spenders?”