

My name is Johanna Volpert. I am Associate Professor of marketing at Kedge BS (Bordeaux Campus). I hold a PhD in marketing from the Sorbonne Business School (IAE de Paris) and was supervised by Professor Géraldine Michel. My doctoral dissertation, entitled “Brand resurrection through brand heritage: temporal orientation, cognitive and affective paths” aimed at better understanding the brand resurrection phenomenon, its best practices and its impact on consumer behaviour.

Before my becoming a PhD candidate, I studied marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics at ENS Cachan (today’s ENS Paris-Saclay). This grand école is known for its strong emphasis on teaching and research during training.


As a young researcher, I strongly believe that marketing research should benefit both academics and managers. I also think that a pluri-disciplinary approach is key to enriching one’s research and field, as well as to better address managerial issues.

As a young teacher, I am convinced of the importance and need to keep up with the newest advances of one’s field to create interesting and useful content for students.

This website was created bearing these principles in mind. I do hope you will find reading it enjoyable and helpful.


Volpert, J., & Michel, G. (2022). Brand resurrections: How past and present narrations impact consumer reactions towards resurrected utilitarian brands. Journal of Business Research153, 479-493.

Classes prépas : un modèle bouleversé par la crise du Covid-19, 4 juin 2020, The Conversation

Fiches d’introduction à la comptabilité, 2019, ISBN : 9782340029903

La Protection du marché, dans Économie-Droit. Prépa ECT 1re et 2e années. Cours, méthodes, sujets corrigés, 2018, J. Volpert, Ellipses (551-560)

La Protection du consommateur, dans Économie-Droit. Prépa ECT 1re et 2e années. Cours, méthodes, sujets corrigés, 2018, J. Volpert, Ellipses (611-621)